Anyone out there interested in a Visa Check Card loaded with money? Did I mention that it is free? A gift, from the City of Chicago? Our fair City is offering checks of up to $200 to help offset the costs of higher property tax bills to qualifying homeowners. Here are the details: To be eligible, homeowners must have a principal residence in the City of Chicago, make $200,000 a year or less, and an increase in their 2008 property tax bill, when measured against the 2007 tax. The amount of "tax relief" is based on a combination of income level and the size of the your property tax increase. This chart breaks it down: Anyone who wants to apply for a taxpayer relief grant must Complete the application Attach a copy of his or her 2008 tax bill Attach a photocopy of a government-issued photo I.D. that shows the same home address. Relief checks will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and applications will be taken until March 31, 2010. The City anticipa...
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